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Welcome to Jolideco’s documentation! Jolideco [1] is a Python library for Joint Likelihood deconvolution of a set of observations in the presence of Poisson noise. It can be used to combine data from multiple x-ray instruments such as Chandra, XMM-Newton or gamma-ray instruments such as Fermi-LAT or H.E.S.S.. In general Jolideco is designed to work with data from any instrument affected by Poisson noise. It has a nice user interface and is designed to be simple to use.

Where to start?

💻 The best place to start is with the Installation and then continue with the Tutorials.

📖 If you are interested in the details and ideas behind Jolideco, check out the Overview section.

🐛 If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue . For general support and questions you can also use the GitHub Discussions.

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